Saturday, November 28, 2015

My J fashion Story

Hello again! This is my story about how and why I got into J fashion. 
Don't worry it wont be super long and boring haha. 

I first found out about J fashion when I was embued into the scene kids/alt fashion era. 
Yes; That dark era all have went through and most escaped from 'XD RawR means i love you XP'. 

Jussstttt before that I had went through some terrible things in my life and the onl colors I would wear was white and black. Thats all i liked, because thats how I felt. I felt that I was in constant mourning and bitterness yet still trying to hold on to my happiness. 

I wasnt technically the mainstream "emo" for the sake of the fashion. It was real and completely unconscious doing so. 

Then over time, and praying and holding on to God and my mom, I eventually began being regenerated. It felt so good to have my happiness and joy slowly come back to me. 

Thats when the scene stage started. I got more into colors and I became a rainbow lol. I was so happy that I was being brought through my issues and God wasnt failing me (like he said he wouldn't)  I just expressed it with wearing every color mashed together that i could find. 

During that period is when I saw lolita for the first time. I was amazed. I thought they were human dolls. The colors were so soft and the dresses were so fluffy.

I only wore jeans and shorts during the week and dresses for church on sundays.

-Skipping some unimportant details that would bore you all-

Then I was fully immersed into J fashion (and K fashion) completely. 

When my fashion style changes its because my form of thinking has changed as well. I wasnt "lady like" or gentle really. I was strong and ready but I didn't really learn to be gentle and graceful while still being strong also. 

Kawaii style in general is so soft and sweet. Its feminine and perfect. I love it. It is also unique for the states. J fashion can be dressed up or down but still remain cute and unique. 

I was shy and trying to please my mom and the way she wanted me to look, which wasnt bad but she wasnt giving me a chance to find my own way of dressing. I gained my fashion independence at age 16. 

I love to wear neko (kitty) ears and collars, which is a whole nother blog post in itself lol. When i first wore it out my mom looked at me weird, but everyone else loved it! I got complimented and it made me feel good about stepping outside of my comfort zone.

 I am specifically in the gyaru range of J fashion; Himekaji, kurogal and kogal. 
Hopefully one day soon I will be able to afford being in Lolita. I have half a coord ready so far lol. I just need a bell shape petticoat and shoes. 

So point is. If you are out there, big or small, black or anything else and you are intrigued by J fashion, GO FOR IT! You are NOT getting any younger. Some people will accept you and some wont but as long as you are having fun and feeling pretty then thats all that matters. 

If you are shy just start off little by little until you reach the peek of not giving a dumptruck what people think. 

Be confident and people will eventually respect your choices. 
(pixel art credited to 


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